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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 110 in total

A big week for data

Our strength is continued US exceptionalism while concentration risks in the economy present weakness. Opportunity exists by not extrapolating the downward trend in mo...

Will the Fed act properly?

Nvidia (and chips) are strong while consumers are feeling pinched. There is opportunity with the acceleration of earnings but a threat remains if the Fed acts too litt...

A little too cozy in the Magnificent Seven?

Back on track for inflation but lingering weakness in transportation names. Opportunity with quality growth (and AI has legs!) but complacency in the Magnificent Seven. 

1st Tuesday November. A date with destiny?

Interest and dividends are helping retirees but higher rates may eventually bite. There are opportunities in infrastructure and utilities with AI but geopolitical risk...

Growth: Slowing to a crawl

Strength: Average stock is better than the index. Weakness: Auction anxiety is back. Opportunity: Oversold interest rate sensitives are good for a trade. Weakness: Gro...

NVIDIA kills it

NVIDIA is the coolest kid in the class but we're beginning to see a bifurcated economy. Opportunities exist by focusing on quality but a growth scare poses a threat. 

DOW 40k!

A 40,000 DOW is a strength while there are more cracks in the consumer's facade. Why sell in May when you can just stay? And a no-landing but turbulence ahead appears ...

Inflation. A messy sort of data.

Rising earnings expectations are a strength but is the labor market beginning to crack? An opportunity exists to rethink real assets but the threat of decelerating eco...

The Fed is navigating using a rearview mirror

A dovish tilt and buybacks are powering the market forward but there's weakness with cracks forming in the consumer facade. Market misconception is providing opportuni...

AI and earnings.

AI momentum continues while a bifurcated consumer is a weakness. AI requires real assets, that's an opportunity while sticky inflation remains a threat. 

EPISODE 100! "It feels worse than it's been" (the week, not the podcasts)

Global growth is better than expected but higher mortgage rates are dampening housing. There's opportunity as April showers bring May flowers but the threat grows that...

King Dollar. Still the safe haven.

The dollar is still king while that hot CPI print is a weakness. Opportunity exists in corporate bonds for income, but the unknown unknowns are a threat. 

Gold shines

Gold is at a 5000 year high while retail is on sale. Active management offers an opportunity across the board but inflationary tailwinds intensify. 

The return of supply chain issues?

Firmness in treasury yields but non AI sales projects face an elongated sales cycle. There are opportunities as the overall market broadens but deficits are keeping ra...

Mojo and Stagflation

Manufacturing mojo is coming back while pricing power to margin pressure is a weakness. Opportunities exist in credit while stagflation narratives pose a threat. 

We've identified that huge sucking sound

Manufacturing might be finding a footing in the US while inflation remains a weakness. Cross-country divergences create opportunities while threat is the giant sucking...

"...this is a time most reminiscent of 1998."

The economy is strong and the market is pushing while the US dollar's potential is weakening. There's opportunity to slowly and proactively move money into longer date...

Rates and inflation remain sticky

Markets don't do much in election years until the outcome is clear. 

Virtuous cycle to vicious cycle?

This week's strengths are the news highs while Fed pushback continues and so does the rise in yields. There is opportunity in the virtuous cycle but commercial real es...

Kudos to the Fed's messaging

Kudos to the Fed's messaging but hot inflation and cold spending is a threat. One man's garbage is another man's treasure (and opportunity) but  watch out for the thre...

My oh my. That AI!

Trees are growing to the sky while interest rate exposed securities continue to lag. There are opportunities as bad breadth improves but uncertainty remains a threat. 

Eyes on the Fed

We're in a good place but there are still signs of stress with some regional banks. Simple opportunities exist by maintaining a balanced portfolio. The Middle East is ...

Sticking the soft landing?

Almost perfect economic data meets hypersensitive areas in the market. Even with a pullback, there are relative value opportunities while a breaking bad forecast inclu...

Opportunity and Threats as equals?

The economic damage has been contained but weakness appears while wrestling with the Fed's communication. Opportunity exists with the Fed NOT tanking the economy--but ...

The 'AI Chaser'

The mega map momentum runs into a small cap and earnings retreat. Broadening use of AI is an opportunity while persistent inflation and rise energy costs pose a threat. 

Did the market get ahead of itself?

The good jobs report might be solidifying the soft landing scenario but a cyclical strength isn't great. Do pullbacks equal opportunity? A threat could emerge when the...

2023 in review, 2024 straight ahead.

Momentum continued but China and the Credit Crunch were a drag. Opportunity exists for active managers while the Fed being slow to react to deteriorating conditions is...

The Christmas Episode

Santa Claus came for small caps but the dollar has been dashing downward. Stock pickers need to do some homework but will it be a blue Christmas for bonds? 

The transition from pause to cut can be bumpy

Interest rate sensitive assets are a strength while the Magnificent 7 might be going from magnificent to middling. There is opportunity in the catch-up trade but trans...

Early resolution for 2024? Balance.

The buy-the-dip-reflex seems to be strong while the slow slide into stagnation is a weakness. There's an opportunity to get back into balance but data dependence equal...

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